Total Course Points Front End

TotalCoursePointsFE is a Python codebase which utilizes the TotalCoursePoints API to generate a class’s grades at UC Berkeley. It has a Gradescope frontend which allows students to have an updated view of how they are doing in the class.


  • Local Setup to generate the roster by stitching together different rosters from UC Berkeley. It also uploads what is needed for students to Gradescope.

  • A Main Setup which will grab and generate your classes data so that you have a Classroom object.

  • A Main which is callable by Gradescope so that it can generate a report for the students.

  • Multiple helpful grading scripts in the grading folder.

  • Very customizable as you can add custom code to files/settings/ which can change how your classes assignments and other grading policies are.

  • Is able to pull from a Google Sheets to pull grades and extensions.


git clone

Requirements: Python 3.7+.

After you have downloaded it, please modify the settings. Please see “Getting Started” for more information”.

How to Contribute

Please make sure to take a moment and read the Code of Conduct.

Report Issues

Please report bugs and suggest features via the GitHub Issues.

Before opening an issue, search the tracker for possible duplicates. If you find a duplicate, please add a comment saying that you encountered the problem as well.

Contribute code

Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Indices and tables